Basic Hacking Terms


    Adware mean the software that automatically generates advertisements in a program that is otherwise     free such as an online video game.  


    Sometimes Developers use backdoor to bypass authentication and dive right into the                             program/system, 
    But it may be exploit by hackers if they are revealed or discovered.


    A non-hierarchical hacktivist collective, Anonymous uses hacking  techniques to register political        protest in campaigns known as #ops . Best known for there Distributed denial of service                        attacks(DDOS). #ops are usually marked with the release of a video of a reader in a Guy Fawkes
    using a computer generated voice. offshoot groups include Antisec and LulzSec.


    An Anonymous splinter group, antisec was best known for the hack of security  firm start for,                 publishing credit card numbers and email addresses taken from the company's site. jeremy hammond      was arrested for alleged Anti-sec activities. under the alias sup_g. 


    While this term originally referred to a clever or expert programmer, who overcome a technical             problem , it is now more commonly used to refer to someone who can gain unauthorized access 
     to other computers.

Ethical Hacker:-

    Ethical hacker is best for known as a gaining authorized access of a computer. or a network.

Exploit :-

    exploit is a piece of software , a chunk of data , or a sequence of commands that takes advantage of a 
    bug or vulnerability to compromise the security of computer or network. 


    A bug is a flaw or error in a software program. some are harmless or merely annoying , but some            can be Exploited by hackers. 


    A chip-off attack requires the hacker to physically remove memory storage chips in device so that        information can be scraped from them using a specialized software.


    A rootkit is a malware program that attempts to hide itself in the other files or computer data  sot that     they cannot be seen on the computer, and steal confidential data so that they cannot be seen on the 
    computer steal confidential files from their host system.


    Rat stands for Remote access tool  or remote access trojan. rats are really scary when used as               malware an attacker who successfully installs rat on your computer can gain full control of your            system.

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