Ngrok Setup

Ethical Hacking Tool Setup:-

Ngrok:- Tool for creating local and public server .

Ngrok is tool which is Essential for Most of the part in ethical hacking and Pentesting course .Ngrok is used to creating a local and public server for creating phishing pages and servers for most of the tools.

Ngrok is online platform which provide you a Temporary Port . which is work as a localhost port. 

Ngrok setup for linux:- 

    * Go to and download ngrok setup for linux machine.

    * download ngrok setup for linux machine and extract the zip file . 
    * extract the file and give chmod 777 executable permission. 
    * run ngrok.exe

     * sign in ngrok and copy the authentication token for continues use of a single port otherwise ngrok
        ngrok will release the port after 2 or 8 hours.
     * then type command to run ngrok on a specific port or you can forward a port on ngrok 
     e.g   > ngrok http 80  

forwarding links where your local server is working.
Note: these ports are temporary  when ever you restart the server the url  which is provided by the ngrok is different .
